Playing the Pinterest Game without a Pinterest Strategy adapted to the plateform
is like playing chess without
knowing what the board looks like and how the pieces move.
Not a good move, isn't it?
Do you want to win?
So let me clarify for you the main pieces you can move on the Pinterest chessboard to increase you probability of getting repins and traffic to your website.
At the top are the Pin Design King and the Pinterest Keyword Queen.
Want to learn more?
Let's go! (or let's play!)
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UPDATE 2021 -
Since entering on the stock exchange, Pinterest has completely changed strategy.
They want to keep users on their platform and not send them on our blogs.
They are moving away from being a search engine to being just another social media platform.
The following article was not updated following that change, since I consider Pinterest is not worth the time anymore, not bringing much traffic.
CHESSBOARD - Pinterest Strategy Basis
Why have a Pinterest Strategy
Pinterest is not just another social network.
Actually, it is not that social;
It is closer to a search engine and is coupled with an idea generator.
So the potential for traffic to your website is great!
However content generated on Pinterest is increasing everyday, so it is becoming harder and harder to stand out, to get your own articles noticed.
This is why having a strategy in place is essential.
Conditions for success
And you should be playing a strategy that addresses the chessboard, you have to understand the platform the play the game properly
- Black Tiles = ALGORITHM
Your strategy should address both colors of tiles. I see a lot of people focussing on one over the other.
You should implement Pinterest Marketing strategies
that fulfill both the User Needs and the Algorithm Criteria
The following pieces help you address both.
KING - Pin Design
Pin design is essential to any strategy.
This is the piece the Pinterest users focus on.
This is with Pin Design that you win or loose the game.
- BAD MOVE - A weak pin design, and no user will be interested in clicking on it, so the algorithm will stop showing your pin. Design can be flawed at 2 different levels: visual or intent
- GOOD MOVE - The more attractive and adapted to the user needs your design is, the more they click on it, the more the algorithm shows it, the more it is clicked on etc... A great virtuous circle 🙂
Learn More - Have a look at my beginners guide to Pin design and find out some advice on the 101 Pinterest Marketing Tips Article.
QUEEN - Keywords
Pinterest is an algorithm.
It needs data to be able to match request/needs with results/answers.
Keywords will allow you to move around the Pinterest chessboard with the right moves for your pins to be shown to the right people.
- BAD MOVE - If you are not using keywords to tell the Pinterest algorithm what your pin or board is about, how can it match it with the interests or searches of users? 0 result
- GOOD MOVE - If you are placing the keywords that people are searching for at the right places in your Pinterest process (e.g. in Pin description) then the algorithm can make connections and provide it to users in need of your article.
Learn More - I tell you whole in my Pinterest course, but you can already find out some pieces of advice on the 101 Pinterest Marketing Tips Article.
BISHOPS - Board Structure & Content type
Your Board Structure allows your pins to move sideways on the Pinterest Chessboard
It is essential to be able to repin and give more chances of visibility.
It is also essential in telling the algorithm more about your pins and your boards.
- BAD MOVE - A structure that is not well thought through will limit the possibility of being shown to different audiences. For example, the Pena Palace in Sintra, Portugal would interest people looking to travel in Portugal, as well as people interested in Unesco sites all over the world
- GOOD MOVE - A structure that allows you to pin a lot of your content to many boards increases your chance that your pins, as well as your boards, will be shown to users. It can increase repins, traffic and followers.
Learn More - I explain my process to creating the right board structure for your content and your niche with examples in the StructurPinterest Course
Pinterest users are not the same as Instagram or Twitter users. They are not looking for the same things.
You should share on Pinterest in a way that interest the users.
For example personal stories do not do well generally, unless they are coupled with a how-to approach. You can present your article as 'How I visited all the main sites of Paris in 1 day' but avoid things like 'How Paris made me feel'.
- BAD MOVE - Not going through Pinterest in your niche, to see what people are looking for and what is less popular
- GOOD MOVE - Understand the intent of your targeted user, to provide the right content and a well design pin highlighting that content
KNIGHTS - Group Boards & Tailwind Tribes
Group Boards allow you to make strange moves on the Pinterest chessboard.
They give you access to the audience of the group board owner (which hopefully is bigger than yours) and if everyone participate properly, it will allow your to get repinned to other blogger's audience.
- BAD MOVE - Not joining groups will limit your potential reach + joining bad groups can also reduce the popularity of your pins
- GOOD MOVE - You should analyse Group Boards before joining them (basics, it is not possible to know exactly the potential) and join the Pinterest Scheduler Tailwind to be able to monitor the popularity of your pins in those group boards to be able to leave the ones not performing.
Tailwind Tribes allow you to make even stranger moves on the Pinterest chessboard.
While you have Tailwind to schedule your pins and monitor boards, you can join Tailwind tribes.
They are similar to group boards, but operate outside of Pinterest (so without a risk of loosing popularity). It is easy to monitor your reach thanks to them.
- BAD MOVE - Not taking advantage of this fantastic tool. There is no real drawbacks, except your have to share pins from the Tribe too but you can choose which one. Another bad move is to join tribes that are too broad. Yes, it opens to new audience but it get loss and have little chances to get repinned.
- GOOD MOVE - Joining several tribes in your niche. Make sure you follow the rules of the tribe.
ROOKS - Pin Quantity & Frequency
Rooks have limited movements.
The same way, Pin quantity has limited impact on your success but it still is useful to control to make sure the algorithm is satisfied with your account.
- BAD MOVE - Not pinning enough (under 10), pinning too much (Tailwind indicates lesser reach when pinning over 50 - see article)
Another bad move is to never pin the content of others - GOOD MOVE - Defining your quantity and being regular. Keep the same strategy for a while, because results are seen in Pinterest only after a couple of months.
Another good move is to adapt your ration own pins / others' pins to the amount of content you have o your blog. At the beginning your might do 20/80 and after a couple of years reach 80/20.
Lean More - For both Pin quantity and Pin Frequency, Pinterest Schedulers can help you find the right balance and help you be regular. Check out my comparative analysis of Tailwind vs BoardBooster vs Manual Pinning.
This also have limited impact to your game.
However there are moves that can help you win with the algorithm, which likes seeing that you are a normal & regular Pinterest user.
- BAD MOVE - Pin 50 in a row and nothing for a few days before repinning again in a row. Part of the Pinterest algorithm considers your account quality which include interacting several times a days, in reasonable amount and regularly.
- GOOD MOVE - Use Pinterest Schedulers like Tailwind to establish a regular schedule throughout the day, showing good natural interaction with Pinterest (Tailwind is an approved partner - Start free trial
If you are looking for a more step-by-step approach to establish your strategy, have a look at this course to increase traffic to your blog: