Have you been reading a lot of websites and courses to help you start and manage your blog and all that it implies?
WordPress, affiliates, SEO, Social Media, Security, post ideas...
- Are you overwhelmed by the quantity of information and the lack of actionnable summaries?
- Are you losing track of some information you once read?
- Are you wondering if you are doing all the steps and tips found everywhere?
The Blog Cookbook is here to help!

It includes 29 checklist recipes to use in a WordPress Kitchen.
They guide your through all the tasks related to starting and managing your blog covering things like:
- The quality of the Content Meat
- The ingredients of the SEO sauce
- The Legal temperature to cook your blog
- What to do with old post leftovers
- ...
All the recipes to Make an Impact with your blog!
For those using a WordPress Kitchen!
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Discover the 29 recipes of the Blog Cookbook:
Entrées - Set up
1. Define your Blog
2. Define your Strategy
3. Set up your Blog with WordPress
4. Secure and Power your Blog
5. Make your Blog Legal
6. Set up your Newsletter
7. Set up Facebook
8. Set up Pinterest
9. Set up Twitter
10. Set up other Social Media
Mains - Publish and Manage
11. Prepare Images for Post
12. Create a blog post (with SEO)
13. Promote a post
14. Promote your Blog
15. Maintain Your Brand
16. Maintain Wesbsite Technically
17. Spice Up Old Posts
18. Publish Regularly - Ideas to get unstuck
19. Remain Productive
20. Outsource
Cheeses - Manage Changes
(it stinks but tastes good)
21. Change Theme
22. Migrate to new Host
23. Rebrand Blog - Things to update
Desserts - Make it a Business
24. Set up Monetization Strategy
25. Leverage your Expertise
26. Create your Media Kit
27. Set up Affiliates
28. Sell your own eProducts (basics)
29. Pitch Brands
Recommended Resources
What users say:
This is LITERALLY-EXACTLY what I was needing! AGH! This is really really good, very thorough.
Brilliant guide Claire! It's a straight forward, no fluff, easy to follow guide. I wish I had this when I was first starting out in blogging!
Understand the product:
1. It is a collection of practical checklists
It is not a blogging course. It complements all the blogging courses and articles with actionnable and repeatable task lists for various blogging activities
2. It is a fillable PDF
You can print it to for regular reference during your blogging activities or fill it online.
3. It includes links to the How
It is not the 'How To do everything' - Each recipe lists the tasks to complete for each goal e.g. it tells you to add the egg but not how to break it...
However it contains links to useful articles to help you complete those tasks.
3. It is oriented Self-Hosted WordPress blogs
Many checklists can be used for all blog format but the technical ones are for Self-hosted WordPress blogs
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